A table

I love to entertain.

I have a large-ish extended family that lives very near us. I love to have everyone over and set a table of yummy food before the people I love. Luckily, I also have a husband to likes to cook! We have several large tables at our house for this purpose. I also love to fill my tables with friends. I love to host events where people can gather around good food and enjoy conversation. A full table brings my heart joy.

The tables at my house sat unused too often this year.

My family of four relegated to the smallest table in our home as we dined night after night, just the four of us.

I have missed entertaining probably more than anything else over this past year.

Oh, the good ol’ days where multiple households could gather to eat together!

I have been awaiting the day we could gather again in larger number.

The adults in my family have received their vaccines over these last few months, so for Easter we were able to finally set the larger tables at my house. A glimmer of hope!

While we had each side of the family over on separate nights, it was nice to be able to gather together. It was nice to hear the house full of voices and lively conversation. There is something special about breaking bread together. The joy and laughter that came from our Easter tables warmed my soul. The happy faces and happy stomachs gathered around table being community gave me hope for what is to come.

I have missed having friends over.

I have missed the ease friends and family gather for a dinner on a Friday or Saturday night.

I have missed lingering with others in the warm evenings enjoying fellowship.

Hopefully soon we will be able to all gather again, around a large table and share fellowship with those we love!




Post Easter Morning