A week of thanks

We are in a time where we have been focusing so much on the negative.

With all that is going on, from watching Corona Virus numbers rise with anxiety and worry

to the darkening days with cold weather seeping in, it is easy to forget to give thanks for all that we have and all that we have been given.

This week, as Thanksgiving Day approaches, let’s spend a few moments giving thanks for what we do have and finding a way to give back for those blessings.

Today, I give thanks for the shelter of a safe home, something I take for granted too often.

I give thanks for the food I am able to place on my table. Too many are unable to say the same.

I give thanks for my family, even in times of stress and strain, we have each other to laugh with or at, share with, and endure with. Too many have lost love ones.

I give thanks for friends who lift my spirits and who reach out in times of isolation. There are those who have few people to lean on.

And for new breath each day given by God!

In gratitude for what I have been given, I will make a donation to the local food bank today that another may be blessed, as I myself have been blest.

Holy God, May I have a thankful heart today and each day. Amen


A week of thanks (Tuesday)


A prayer of thanks