Over the last few weeks, I have had several friends and colleagues announcing a change in jobs. Some are simply changing employers, others are changing careers altogether. Some will be able to live in their current homes, while others are moving across the country. Maybe it our age (middle age is sneaking up pretty fast). Maybe it is the situation in which we find ourselves (a calm in the midst of an almost two year world wide pandemic). Maybe it is a combination of both. I don’t know the cause, but I do feel that change is floating in the air all around me.
Times of change can be filled with all kinds of different emotion; fear, worry, hope, excitement, dread, joy—so many emotions can sneak in there. In times of transitions we can often feel all of these emotions at different times as we walk an unknown path. But in the midst of all this change, I feel the Holy Spirit working. I see friends moving to better matches, colleagues moving forward in their careers, and even a few acquaintances just getting to take a breath of fresh air. The Spirit is moving.
While new can be scary, new can also be wonderful. Scary can be wonderful too, in fact. In the midst of change, God can do new and amazing things. In the midst of change, we can make room for the wonderful power of God to make a difference. As we walk through the emotions of change, it can be tempting to go backwards, into the comfort that we were accustom to, but if we hold on and walk forward into the unknown, God can do wonderful things.
So as the winds of change swirl and the Holy Spirit whirls, may we find joy and hope and continue to step into the new, trusting in God to lead us.
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” — Phil 4:13