These times are still crazy.
Every time I think I have adjusted to the “new normal” a new spin comes my way.
Every time I think I have a routine down (I really love some routine in my life), something goes off kilter.
Every time I think I have a handle on my life, something pops up to challenge that view.
From living in pandemic, to hitting my forties, to raise two teenagish girls, life sure is keeping me on my toes.
Finding myself and helping my kids find themselves in this crazy world is no small task.
Leading a church, figuring out what an on-line worshiping community is, and listening for where God is calling me and my ministry in turbulent times is overwhelming.
While I know that I am blessed beyond measure and all of my worries are first world problems (and upper middle class white person problems to boot) it can still be overwhelming.
I do give thanks for all the stability that I have been given and I give thanks for a God who stands with me in the crazy—
a God who loves me despite my uncertainty and chaos—
a God who forgives me when I mess up—
a God who still leads even if I don’t always follow as fast I should—
a God who is steady, compassionate, and gracious, even when I am none of those things.
In the midst of these crazy times, when the world overwhelms, and the uncertainty never wanes, I am glad to have God to cling too.
Now, to work towards being a fraction as loving, forgiving and compassionate with myself as God is!
Hang in the crazy friends, God has us!