Crazy times
Ya’ll, no joke, these days feel crazy.
As we are looking at heading back to school (in person no less) in just a few more days, as our schedules start to fill back up, as the world starts to spin fast and faster again (or so it feels), I am feeling a little crazy.
The back to school shopping is done, minus a pair of shoes for the youngest. We have dug out the back packs and empty out the lunch boxes (that was a little gross….I mean a year and half later…don’t judge my parenting). The rooms have been paired down to make the school year easier hopefully. Everything is fairly under control, but ya’ll I feel crazy and overwhelmed—behind, uncertain and lacking.
These are strange times. It again will be a strange school year.
May God surround us all with grace and compassion as walk through yet again another new season. May we have grace with each other, with our children (o Lord especially with my own children) and with ourselves.
Friends let us support one another. We can do this…Lord may we have faith that we can!