Joy week
It has been busy around here this week.
Friday my youngest preformed at a downtown Christmas event. Sunday the oldest matched in the Christmas parade. Monday the youngest preformed the in the school play. Tuesday the oldest had her Christmas band concert. All of this in the midst of my husband’s work schedule picking up and him working 12 hour shifts. All while decorating the house and being in a festive spirit for the kids so that Christmas can keep its joy and magic.
Most people are experiencing some measure of this.
College kids are rushing to finish up their terms before heading home for a break. Highschoolers are awaiting finals and their own performances. Parents with little kids are rushing to get it all done before Christmas sneaks up on them. Older adults are busy working schedules out and sending gifts.
Being a grown up at Christmas time has all kinds of difficulties.
But the Advent wreath word for this week is “Joy”. Perfect timing. In the midst of the craziness, it calls me back to remember that there is great joy in the season. The beauty of the lights hung throughout town. The wonder on the face of children when Santa or the elf appear. The beauty of home glowing from the Christmas tree. The love you can feel as your children prepare and plan their Christmas giving.
Joy exists all around, if we just slow down enough to see it.
May deep joy find you this week!