
After a few ‘different’ years, I forgot about May! I forgot about the crazy busyness of the whole month. I forgot what a hectic hot mess the whole month this—the long days, the nonstop schedule, the running around that is required.

Like riding a bike, however, it all came back to me—fast and furious.

I sat down to look over the May calendar for my family so I could inform all the extended family about all the going ons that were on the horizon. I almost had a panic attack. IT IS SO MUCH!

End of year activities, field trips and graduations. The sports events, concerts, and award ceremonies. Mother’s Day (for me, my mother, and my mother-in-law) and Memorial Day. End of year teacher gifts and arranging all the summer activities. SO MUCH IS HAPPENING.

It is easy when faced with so much to shut down. It is easy to just want to buckle up and get through it. It is easy to want to rush the rough and run for summer.

But today I pray that God can calm my soul in the month ahead.

I hope that as I sit in performances, award ceremonies, and brunches that I can settle into each moment. I pray that in the midst of the crazy I can soak in the joy. I am going to work to be mindful through the chaos. I am going to choose joy this month.

Choose joy with me!




Lenten prayer