Worship January 29, 2022
Let us worship!
God rules. On your toes, everybody!
He rules from his angel throne—take notice!
God looms majestic in Zion,
He towers in splendor over all the big names.
Great and terrible your beauty: let everyone praise you!
Holy. Yes, holy.
Lift high God, our God; worship at his holy mountain.
Holy. Yes, holy is God our God.
--Psalm 99, verse 1-3, 9
A prayer to center you
Greatest God,
You knit us together in our mother’s wombs.
You designed us in your image,
Each on a small glimpse of the greater glory that you hold.
You gave to each of us our own gifts, skills and talents.
Help us to live into the glory you created us for.
Guide us to use our talents and gifts for your good.
Lead us to others who help us be better and who we can help to be better.
Let us be your people.
Use us.
Guide us.
Shine through us.
Holy Scripture
1 Corinthians Chapter 12, verses 27 through 31
You are Christ’s body—that’s who you are! You must never forget this. Only as you accept your part of that body does your “part” mean anything. You’re familiar with some of the parts that God has formed in his church, which is his “body”:
miracle workers
those who pray in tongues.
But it’s obvious by now, isn’t it, that Christ’s church is a complete Body and not a gigantic, unidimensional Part? It’s not all Apostle, not all Prophet, not all Miracle Worker, not all Healer, not all Prayer in Tongues, not all Interpreter of Tongues. And yet some of you keep competing for so-called “important” parts.
But now I want to lay out a far better way for you.
You know the children’s song “This Little Light of Mine?” Well, it has been stuck in my head the last several weeks as I have worked with these Scriptures. You know that verse about hiding our light under a bushel. It is really that line that has stuck with me. It really resonates with my heart. Sometimes I like to hide my light under a bushel. It is easy, to hide! I sometimes shy away from using my gifts. Not because I don’t know what they are. Not because I don’t know how to use them. Not because I don’t value the gifts that I have. It is just hard sometimes. It can be overwhelming to let our own light shine. It can be scary, hard and overwhelming.
For me, I can all too easily feel unworthy, lacking, unqualified, too young, too old, too busy, or too inadequate. I can come up with a million reason to hide my talents, to not live into the fullness that God has placed within me. Let’s admit it, it can be scary to put ourselves out there. To shine draws attention towards us.
But as I have dug into Chapter 12 of 1 Corinthians the last month I see the need for my part, for my gifts. God who knit us together before our first breath, God who’s placed the cosmos in it’s orbit, God who loves us deeply and wholly, placed us in the world as we needed to be. God surround us with those who make us whole. God has but God’s puzzle together in beautiful and creative ways and we each have role to play. We each have a light that we must shine.
No matter our skill or gift or talent, if we are an
miracle worker
one who prays
We are all important, our light is important. We are not too unworthy, too lacking, too unqualified, too young, too old, too busy, or too inadequate. We are just what God made us to be, a part of the body of Christ Jesus; valued, loved, and precious!
Hide it under a bushel—NO!
I’m going to let it shine, let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Go out and shine, friends!
Thinking it through….
-When do you hide your gifts/talents/skills?
-What was it that made you not show your gift/talent/skill to its full potential?
-What “bushel” do you need to remove to let your light shine?
-How do you feel when you share your gift/talent/skill?
The Word in Action
YOU are just what God made you to be, a part of the body of Christ Jesus; valued, loved, and precious
How can you shine your light this week?
Use your gift/skills/talents this week to shine a little brighter!
Prayer of sending
As we go from this time,
Remove the bushels we hide behind.
Fill us with the knowledge that we are wonderful, whole, and complete in you.
Give us the confidence to use our talents in ways that let our lights shine for your glory
And keep us from stepping away for the wonderfulness you have made within us.
Remind us that we are valued, loved, and precious children who rest in you.
Going out.
Go out into the world, renewed and revived by the word of God.
and in all that you do, may the love of Christ Jesus uphold you,
the peace of God sustain you and may the Holy Spirit guide you each step of the way
Let all God’s people say: AMEN