Earth Day
Creator God,
in the beginning you created the earth out of the dark void.
You brought into being all that is and you called it good.
Throughout time, we have taken for granted so much that you have given us.
We gave not always taken good care of your good creation.
We have not treasured the Earth for all of its wonder.
We have not always taken good care of what we have been given.
We know that we are not always the good stewards that you would call us to be.
This day, may we take a moment to see your wonder in the world around us.
May we pause today to see the beauty that we have been given by your hand.
May we step up to take better care of your creation going forward
and to show the world around us the love and care that you meant for it to receive.
May we make this Earth, this land that has been entrusted to us by you, good again.
Let all God’s people say,