The weather here has been all over the place. We have sunshine and temperatures in the fifties one day. The next, we have snow and 20-degree weather. You never know what you will get. Besides making it hard to know how to dress in the morning, it also reminds us that nothing is permanent. Cold weather fades to sunshine. Snow melts to green grass. And sunshine can wilt to snow again.
There is a flow.
Sometimes we move quickly, sometimes we linger in one spot.
And so life goes with the flow of living.
Some seasons linger longer than we would want and others fade away too quickly. Joys come—and joy fades, but the same holds true as well; sorrow comes and sorrow fades. We just ride the flow.
Sometimes it is hard to manage the flow. In the midst of cold and dreary, worry and sorrow, it is hard to sit and await the sunshine. But we know without a doubt that the sun will shine again, sorry and worry will fade. We just ride the flow and trust in a loving God who rides with us.
Let it flow!