
Scripture for the day:

Hebrews 10: 23-25

Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching.

Thought for the day:

These are scary days. The world seems turned on it’s ends. between the virus, the election and the divisions across our world and country, life seems unsettled and sometimes hopeless. However, as children of a faithful God, we are reminded that there is one more powerful than us. There is one who has already triumphed over death, who loves us more than anything, who has promised to be faithful. to us, and who will not abandon us. When we cling to THAT promise, when we hold tight to the hope we find in Christ Jesus, then we can live that faith out in our lives, sharing that love and hope with others., and hopefully cling to a measure of peace, even in the deepest storm.

While the times require us to be cautious about meeting in person in any situation, we are blessed to live in a time when we can meet together through other forms; social media, zoom, phone calls, emails, and the list goes on. We can encourage one another from a distance,: text messages, snail mail, email and even through platforms like this one! Isolation is waring to the soul, especially in turbulent times. While these other forms of communication and connection may not seem ideal, they are safe for the times. My children light up whenever they receive a letter in the mail. Who doesn’t light up when an unexpected package arrives at your door? An email from an old friend is always a delight. A gather for a fun supper ‘together’ over zoom is great way to connect. There are all kinds of new and old ways to share our love with our community. We can kind find new ways to share our love for others during these strange times. Let us work to encourage one another through these difficult times.

Please fill free to reach out if you are in need of connecting.

Grace and peace,,


Prayer for the day:

God who controls the mountains and the seas,

Too often we let the pressures of the day override our faith in you.

Remind us of your constant care and faithfulness.

May our hope in you hold strong even against the roaring current of unrest.

Help us to come together in love and caring for those around us,

staying in contact and holding one another in prayer.

Through your community of believers,

may we find peace, hope and love now and always.





A prayer in midst of disharmony