Hot mess!

2 Timothy 3:17

Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us.

Confession time: I have been an underachiever lately—like a HUGE underachiever.

That is normally not the case. Generally speaking, I am a hard driven, self-motivated, overachiever on all accounts, with small touch of procrastination on occasion. However, between the snow and the pandemic, the ever changing schedules, and the differing amount of people in my house working or schooling at any given point, I have been an unfocused, unmotivated, underachieving hot mess!

Every Monday I wake up saying, “I am going to get back on track and on schedule this week!” No matter how whole heartily I cheer my self on, it doesn’t always work. Some weeks I do okay, other weeks it has fallen apart before 10 a.m. Monday morning and there is no getting that train back on track!

These words from 2 Timothy give me comfort.

I am put together and shaped up for the tasks God (and not myself) has for me—If I feel that I am or not.

In those weeks that it just doesn’t happen for me—that I don’t achieve all that I had planned for myself—it is okay. Perhaps God’s plans and tasks for me that week were different than my own. Perhaps holding my kids a little longer, or sitting down to supper with them was exactly where God needed me to be in that moment, instead of locked away in my office. Perhaps that phone call with a friend that restored my soul and theirs was exactly what God put me together for in that moment instead of clearing out the email in-box.

God can use my unfocused, un-motived, underachieving hot mess self in ways that I might not be able to see because God put me together and shaped me up for the tasks, not that I set, but that God has planned for me. In this I must trust and in this I find peace, even in the middle of my hot mess life!


A prayer for today

