In God’s mercy

God of grace and compassion,

we come to you with worry and concern.

Those around us are getting sick.

The hospitals are full.

Our health care systems are over whelmed.

Lord in your mercy, hear our cries.

The doctors and nurses are exhausted.

Teachers and school systems are overwhelmed and defeated at attempting to keep our children safe.

The sick are dying alone.

Lord in your mercy, hear our pain.

Those who have not lost their lives to this virus are still suffering the long term affects.

Families are living in fear.

Yet others continue to act carelessly and without caution for their own well being or the well being of those around them.

Lord in you mercy, heal us.

These are not easy times.

Fear and worry are everywhere.

Illness and death have surrounded us.

Our healthcare system is breaking.

People are dying in the parking lots of hospitals because there is no room for them.

Choices are being made about who will live and die because there are not enough ventilators.

There is suffering, o God, too deep to speak.

Lord in your mercy, walk with us through this valley and help us to make it to the other side.




