
These days seem long and hard and unending. Every morning we seemed to awaken to new bad news. When we drop kids off at school, the short car line is a reminder of all the kids who are out of school due to Covid. The lack of open parking spots as we drive by the hospital a reminder of how many people are fighting hard for each breath. The stopped cars for a funeral procession a reminder of all those who are now gone from this earth and all those who are surrounded by grief. Hardship seems all around us.

The other night though, as I was pulling in my drive way after a long day facing all the challenges that I had encountered, I saw a beautiful sunset. I stopped, in the middle of the road, and took a picture. As I was stopped, I also said a thank you to God. I thanked God that even in the midst of the hard and tiresome, in the midst of the difficult and hard, that God provided beauty.

In these times, it is easy to miss the beauty. But the beauty is still there. There are still babies being born, people falling in love, people reaching out to helping other people. There are teachers loving on our kids at school, friends laughing and playing. There are still birthdays and anniversary celebrating lives well lived. There are still rainbows and beautiful sunsets.

We can focus on the hard and the ugly and hurt, or we can look for the beauty.

I hope today you can see the beauty and have hope!


In God’s mercy


God of Storms