Masked Angel

I was flipping through Facebook today when I ran across a picture of an angel ornament made out of two masks. I stopped scrolling and took a long pause.

The picture was striking—

not because of it’s beauty nor it’s creativity (although it was those things).

It wasn’t just how much that image seemed to sum up our times in one quick shot.

It wasn’t just the simple nature of a homemade ornament hanging on a tree.

It was more than that.

There was a hidden message calling out to me from that visual image. So I lingered on it awhile.

There is something about the way the angel and the mask relate to one another—what they both say—that stood out to me and made me take pause.

An angel is often thought to be something that looks over us and watches out for people— A messenger from God bring news of care or love from God’s own lips. An angel reminds of us God’s care for us. With a symbol of an angel lies hope, joy, peace, and love all wrapped up in one.

So too of the mask.

A mask can be a message from God of care and love. When I see someone wearing a mask these day I appreciate that they care enough for my well being to do so. When someone else respects me, a stranger, enough to mildly inconvenience themselves by wearing a mask, I am thankful that they care about me and others.

The simple act of wearing a mask is an act of care for the other. It is a way to watch out and protect those around us. The mask is a simple way to turn each of us into an angel for our neighbors—a way that we can attempt to care for their wellbeing and health…the very life of another.

God’s love shine through both the angel and the mask this Advent season. This picture was a reminder to me that I wear a mask to show my love of God and neighbor during this difficult time. So of course I went and made an angel mask ornament and hung it on my tree. Hopefully it will be a remind in future years as I place it on the tree that simple acts can be Godly if it helps to care for our neighbor.

May we all be a masked angel for someone today.


In this season


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