I took a little break this week!
I have taken several little breaks over the past six months.
This is not my normal.
I am not a break- taker. I am generally a workaholic.
In my roles as mother, daughter, wife, sister, aunt, pastor, housekeeper, chef, chauffer and so many others… I normally have to be a workaholic to keep it altogether.
I find peace of mind in keeping a thousand balls all in the air at one time. I often measure success by my ability to juggle a full schedule mostly successfully. But this is tricky and misleading. If I am too focused on the balls in the air I miss often miss the beauty that is around me.
I have found that every now and then I need a little sabbath, an occasional opportunity to slow down and enjoy the life that has been given to me.
This past week was spring break for my littles. With travel off the table, there was no big trip or really anything exciting scheduled for the week. But I took a break from work anyway. I stepped away from the have tos and must dos. I rolled with an unplanned schedule and enjoyed whatever came my way—a little sabbath.
There is healing in sabbath time.
We all need time to slow down and be, to reset and resteady ourselves, a time to heal and to renew.
When we slow down, when we lay a few of those balls on the table instead of keeping them in the air, we allow God to show up in new ways. When we don’t have to focus on the keeping so many balls in the air we can actually see God at work around us.
Even God took a sabbath break. On the seventh day, God rested. I imagine on that day, God soaked up all the glory that had been created, the beauty of the world.
I know you have a lot of balls in the air that you feel you have to keep moving. I know that there is a lot going on. I know that you have many roles to fill and many tasks to keep an eye on. But I hope that you will take a moment of sabbath, for a moment, for day, for a week, whatever you can manage. In that sabbath may you find healing and may you soak up all the glory and beauty around you.