Worship for April 16, 2021
Holy God, you are with us always, calling us to you.
Here we are we.
May our hearts be open to you and may we worship with in Spirit and truth.
Worship April 9, 2021
Forgiveness is hard—really, really hard. So often we like to hang on to our hurts for one reason or another. But God has already forgiven us. So let us lay the burdens down and work towards forgiving as we have been forgiven.
Worship April 1, 2021 - Easter
I shout this morning at the joy of risen Christ.
I shout with the hope I find in the empty tomb.
I shout for I know God is with us still.
Christ has risen, he has risen indeed.
Worship March 26, 2021
The shouts rise up in the streets.
The palms wave in the air.
Garments are thrown in the street.
A celebration.
We enter Holy Week with a celebration. So much is coming in the days the that lie ahead; betrayal, fear, frustration, abandonment, death, darkness. They all come between this moment of celebration and empty tomb.
Worship, March 12, 2021
God calls us, through new situations, through turned over tables
and turned over worlds.
God calls each of us to be who God made us to be.
Let us worship God
Worship March 5, 2021
God calls us,
each of us,
in our own way
in our own place
right where we are
just as we are
God calls us
to be vessels of love
vessels of compassion
vessels of grace.
We are called to be the hands and feet of Christ in the world
until Christ comes again in power and glory
let us build up our strength through worship and prayer!
let us worship God
Worship February 26, 2021
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me (us)?” O, these words, how they echo the times we now face. O, how my heart sings them in the midst of the wee hours of the day. How many times has this cry sunk into my heart and run through my head this past year? More than I can count.
Worship February 19, 2021
If you cannot tell, I really enjoy the ebb and flow of the church seasons. I love how we move through the story of Christ, hearing again and again the glorious Holy words, the story of Christ’s life. I love how each season has it’s own focus, emotions, and purpose. Like most l people, I like Christmas for the celebrations, family time and joy that it brings, my favorite church season is Lent. As Lent begins, we step out into the 40 day journey down the long road of reflection of the Lenten season. We slowly walk with Jesus towards Jerusalem and what awaits him there. This season normally makes me feel spiritually attuned. In years past it has been a time in which my faith is strengthened in the solemn nature of the season. This year is different…
Worship November 13, 2020
It is easy in times that feel like darkness to give into that darkness. When the times and circumstances seem overwhelming and we feel abandon to the night, it is easy to give in and let go of faith , love and hope. But we are children of the light and of the day.