Beginning of Holy Week

Holy God,

we have waved the palms on Sunday

and celebrated your Son.

As we move forward into this week,

the tenor is changing, the hearts of man are hardening.

Let not our hearts be hardened.

The story of old can be so disconnected from our lives, as we hurry on to prepare for Easter.

The burden of work, school, parenting, surviving can too easily take us away from walking with you.

Help us to slow down and put the focus where it belongs this week…

alongside your Son as he walks towards the grave.

Give us each atleast a moment each day to reflect on this journey; the love, the betrayal, the hurt, the loss and at last the resurrection and the hope!

May we all find in this week something to cling to, something to relate to, something that brings your word and your world to life for us. Breathe in us and through us, O God.

Draw us to you this Holy Week and move us closer to your kingdom.

It is in your precious Son who walked a long road for our sakes that we pray,



On the edge

