Pandemic Parenting

There is nothing easy about parenting in a pandemic.

As if raising little humans was not difficult enough…

throw in unknown schedules

plus social isolation—for the kids and for you,

plus cold weather keeping everyone indoors and options for burning off that extra energy limited,

plus worry, stress, and fear…

NOTHING IS EASY about this time.

No matter what is happening with schooling, there are worries.

If you are sending them back in to full classrooms you worry about their safety.

If you are keeping them home, you worry about their mental well being.

How do we raise healthy, well rounded children in the middle of this? There is no handbook by Dr. Spock to cover all of what is happening these days!

The day to day routine is overwhelming.

Three meals a day (plus snacks), for everyone! Why do they eat SOOO much and so often?

And eating leads to dishes…O the dishes!!!!

Atleast the laundry is less because we don’t change clothes all that often?!?

And the constant chatter of little voices that you love, but O what you would give for a moment of silence…just one small moment!

And juggling schedules, even though there are less places to go, the schedules seem to be more complicated. Who is suppose to be in what Zoom meeting and when, and how do keep up with all those that links?

These days are HARD!!! and uncharted!!! and overwhelming!!!

I just want my kids to be happy and healthy. (and me to stay sane)

In the midst of all the hard, I try to find the blessings. They are in there.

These are days that we will not get back with our children.

We are getting a chance to spend time with them that we otherwise would not be able to. We are getting to watch them grow up right before our eyes and missing VERY little (since they are always right there and all).

When they are grown and out of the house, you know you will look back and be thankful for this time—a time when the world slowed and you got to see them in a new ways—your worlds combined in unthought of before ways.

But right now, almost a year in to these strange times, it is HARD!

Hang in there…we can do it!

Like the saying goes, ‘the days are long, but the years are short” (although this past year has not felt short).

We got this. We can make it! You are not alone!

Pray with me:

Holy God,

these days are long and hard.

You have entrusted us with these precious beings,

to raise, to care for, to love, and to help grow.

Guide us through this difficult time

to be the best parents that we can be.

Give us energy when we feel exhausted.

Give us joy when we feel overwhelmed.

Give us courage when the tasks feel too heavy.

Give us wisdom when we feel lost and uncertain.

Give us connection when we feel disconnected.

Help us to find moments when all feels like too much to pause and enjoy the moment through laughter, love and contentment.

Help our children walk through these days without fear or worry and help us to guide them.

Grant them hope and patience and peace.

Draw families and loved ones closer together despite the difficulties of the time

and may we see your love in one another as we walk this path together as your children.



A prayer in the sunshine


As we begin Lent