Snow day
There is something magical about a snow day!
Hope seems to float in the air as the wisps of white dance in the atmosphere.
The pristine blanket of fresh snow that covers the ground somehow grounds us in hope and joy—no matter our age or previous mood.
The worries of the day seem to freeze— if just for a moment— as the chill in the air settles around us.
This year, the first of December brought with it a frosty covering of snow in the mountains of East Tennessee.
In a year that has been challenging, this blanket of snow gives us a moment of normalcy.
On a snow day we would normally be home, enjoying the childhood snow favorites; playing in the cold, hot chocolate to warm us, movies, and lots of cuddling under a pile of blankets.
As I hear the giggles of children playing outside and the joy of a moment of regular in a year that has been anything but, I pause to give thanks for this gift. This gift of joy and hope, if only for a day!
As we march in to December, with the elf having arrived and the Advent calendar begun, this blanket of snow reminds me of the eternal joy for which we are waiting.
As I watched my younger daughter last night, unable to sleep with anticipation of the snow, I am reminded that we should be looking forward to the coming of Christ with such joy and hope!
It reminds me to stop for a moment and hope with anticipation, even in the difficult times—or perhaps especially in the difficult times— for God has desires joy for us and God’s promises hold true!
I hope you find some joy today!