Prayer for Thanksgiving
Abby Cole Keller Abby Cole Keller

Prayer for Thanksgiving

God of all creation, on this day of Thanksgiving, let us pause and see the many wonders of your hand.

With gratitude and love, let us give thanks to you for your many mercies, even in the most difficult of times.

Your glory shines around us, open our hearts and eyes to all your wonder.

Make space for us this day to breathe in your care and love, to pause long enough to be truly Thankful

for this day,

this life,

this opportunity to be yours.

All things are created by your hand. All light and love are from you.

With Thanksgiving, we praise you.


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a prayer for Veterans
Abby Cole Keller Abby Cole Keller

a prayer for Veterans

God of peace and hope, we give you thanks this day for all those who have served to protect our country, our families and our freedoms.

May each person who has served our nation feel the gratitude of all those they worked, sacrificed, and served for.

May they know that their sacrifice of time and their service, no matter how or when they served, worked to keep our home land safe and secure.

For those who are suffering physically or mentally from their time of service, may they feel your comfort and peace. Move them towards your consolation and help them find pride in their service. Help them to let go of the pain and to heal through your grace and reassurance.

Our country is torn. Help us be united in our gratitude towards those who have sacrificed of themselves for the good of our nation. For our freedoms, they risked their everything, and we give thanks.


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Abby Cole Keller Abby Cole Keller


Holy God, we have sustained so much loss.

Loss of normalcy, loss of security, loss of loved ones. We have lost the comfort of knowing what to expect. We have lost friendships and loved ones to disagreements and closed hearts, as well as to death. We have lost faith in humanity and lost hope in the best of people.

But in the midst of our loss, we know that you stand with us, faithful and strong. Wipe away our tears and hold us near. Fill us with your comfort and your peace.

Grant us your strength.

Walk beside us.

Uphold us.

You are our strength and our hope. Abide with us still. Amen

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