Christmas Eve
Holy God, we have waited for you.
In the darkness of these days, we have clung to the hope of your light.
We continue to wait for you.
A week of thanks (Thursday)
Today, give thanks for traditions, new and old, that bring us together no matter where we are.
Give thanks for a God who is loving and just.
Give thanks for a moment of pause in a busy and stress filled world.
Give thanks for all that we have been given.
Give thanks to God!
A week of thanks (Wednesday)
Today, I give thanks for essential workers, pets, sunsets with hints of promise, joy and community. What are you thankful for?
A week of thanks (Tuesday)
Today, I give thanks for the changing of seasons, both physical and metaphorical.
I give thanks for the opportunities to look at the structure of my days differently and the flexibility to bend, grow and change in these new times.
I give thanks for technology keeps us connected when other options are not unavailable.
I give thanks for love, both the love I receive and for the love I am able to give.
And I give thanks for the new hope in each day given by God!
A week of thanks
Today, I give thanks for the shelter of a safe home, something I take for granted too often. I give thanks for the food I am able to place on my table. Too many are unable to say the same. I give thanks for my family, even in times of stress and strain, we have each other to laugh with or at, share with, and endure with. I give thanks for friends who lift my spirits and who reach out in times of isolation. And for new breath each day!
seeing the sun
Wherever you find that reminder of God’s love, I hope you will take a moment to breathe it in and give thanks.
Election Day
I hope that we can all find ways to love our neighbor as our self, to put pride and ego aside for the well being of all God’s people, to work for equality, prosperity, and security for all people. I hope that we can find peace instead of hate, hope instead of fear, and wholeness instead of division.